374-Ebay hamti118 Dubai Sharjah Iran fake number license plates

Since May 2015 Ebay seller hamti118 has been selling these fake Dubai, Sharjah and Iranian plates. hamti118 is also aabasi10, aligator8815, eseller121, sat2115, haka.mehma, teenmay and was previously shaghyegh. The different Ebay identities are registered at various locations in the UAE (and spelled wrongly as well) but all the goods have Turkey as their location. Very strange. He has also been known to leave feedback from his other identities for himself.

All the plates are listed as new and most are absolutely nothing like real plates are or ever have been. The two blue Sharjah plates could however be genuine although the red one is an outright fake or test design. With so many genuine Sharjah export plates available, it is probably best to avoid all his plates.

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