652-Ebay jbeerd Ontario Canada diplomatic fake replica number license plate

In October 2017 Ebay seller jbeerd (aka carplatespro) from Moscow in Russia was trying to sell this replica Canadian diplomatic license plate. It is normal for him to have many copies of each plate with the same number. Do you really want a plate in your collection that is wrong, you know is fake and that there are plenty of other people with the same fake plate as you?

As is usual with his plates they have something wrong with them. The words are printed in the wrong place, the slots are wrong and the crown is wrong. You have to compare very carefully with a photo of a genuine plate. There are enough photos available on the www though to be able to do this.

The big problem is going to come later when some of these plates get into the market. From a photo during a sale or trade it could be difficult to tell if the plate or plates are genuine or not.

This just makes everything difficult for everyone. Reproductions are very bad for the hobby and if you care about the future of the hobby, it is better you do not buy reproductions, especially poor quality ones like this seller makes.

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