748-Ebay greua71 Denmark Hungary fake number license plates

In August 2018 Ebay seller greua71 from Mariupol in Ukraine was trying to sell these fake Danish and Hungarian plates. He is selling them in a mixed batch of 6 European plates. The other 4 are not fakes. For 2 fakes, 2 Polish plates (one damaged), 1 Lithuanian and 1 Ukranian temporary plate, his price is way too high also.

Both the fakes have the wrong dies. It is possible this is not even a Hungarian registration but perhaps a Belgian one made on a Hungarian blank.

Although it looks dirty and used and looks like it could be genuine, always check that a plate is close to that particular country’s genuine plates. There are several websites like Francoplaque and Plateshack that have pictures of genuine plates as well as lots of photos on the www.

Genuine officially issued Danish plates are very difficult to get and have always had their own unique design that is nothing like this. Genuine Hungarian plates are usually available on Ebay.

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