694-Ebay life-after-work eddspl8s Greece fake replica number license plates

In February 2018 Ebay seller life-after-work (aka life-after-work2 & eddspl8s) from Pikesville, Maryland in the USA was trying to sell these Greek reproduction car plates. As usual he has several copies of this plate.

He is selling them as used replicas. Used they are not and reproduction, yes very poor quality ones. 
The blue bands are wrong and the embossed official seals are missing. Genuine Greek plates are easy to get on Ebay and often cheaper than these rubbish replicas.

Be very careful what you buy and don’t buy mint/reproduction plates or you will end up with expensive scrap aluminium in your collection.

This is an ALPCA member who probably knows little or nothing about non-USA plates and is trying to fool collectors and make a quick profit. The advert is badly worded and, unless you look closely, you could believe he is selling genuine plates. If he knows they are replicas, he should state it much more clearly if he was an honest seller.

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