283-Kiribati made-to-order fakes

There are probably as many fake Kiribati plates in collections as genuine used ones.
This is a strange batch of plates, 18 of which are said to have come direct from Kiribati in the early 1980s although there are supposed to be others from this batch also. There is also one slightly different one (TUC No.2) that may well be a JDA fake that he made by copying one of these plates.
Whether they are fakes or made-to-order specials is an interesting question as older contacts on the islands say there were never any motorcycle plates like this that were actually used. The triangular separator was commonly used by the only signwriter that lived on Kiribati, and who is now no longer there, but he is not known to have ever made plates as crudely as these.
None of these plates appears to have ever been genuinely used.

If anyone has any further information about any of these plates please get in touch. Also, if anyone has photos of other similar plates, please get in touch.

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