22-Ebay le petit lutin vert replicas

There is no doubt that there are more replica and fake (see photo 23) versions of these cold war military missions (military liaison) in Germany plates in collections than real ones. Real ones are very, very rare and will all have been collected a long time ago.
These replicas were all sold, mostly during 2010, by French Ebayer le_petit_lutin_vert (now karaya_352) who I believe is associated with the American forces in France. He sold them as replicas and they originally fetched only a few dollars each. Some were sold without holes but later ones often had newly made holes in them.
He had them made in Europe and they are manufactured in the correct manner with stickers applied onto aluminium sheet. They are very good copies but there are slight errors on each of them that make them easy to spot if you see them together with the real ones. There seem to have been two batches.
I believe there are many more than I have here with each of the BRIXMIS and SOXMIS plates being two of each.
For information on real military mission plates, see the excellent http://picasaweb.google.com/252plates/MilitaryLiaisonsColdWar#
by the expert in this field.

As of Jan 2012, these are the known current and former identities of the seller:
le_petit_lutin_vert, karaya_352, khe_sanh_1968, vous_pouvez_toujours_courir,
berlin_command, bluie_west_one, titou_280807, alpca_4898, condi_2008,
blind_bat_58226, mrs_high_heels, draggixa, austerlitz_1815, miss_wasp-waist,
capt_eddie_rickenbacker, lt_william_kilgore, papou120724

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